WELCOME TO HYDE PARK COUNTRY AUCTIONS HOME Services Staff Contact Us Directions NEXT SALE MARCH 30, 2025 12:00 Noon Previews: By Appt. week of sale and Sat. March 29 from 1:00 to 4:00PM * Sun. March 30 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon Click Image Below To View Online Catalog Partial contents of several local estates to include: Fine DECORATIVE ARTS including sterling silver, bronzes, lighting, etc.; many group lots of affordable COUNTRY primitives; part 2 of the estate of Jeff Raymond to include nautical antiques and fish carvings; vintage BOOKS and EPHEMERA including postcards, trade cards, photography, etc. Catalog coming soon.......Sample of items added daily below: ******************************************************************************************* PREVIOUS SALES: JAN 19, 2025 - Session 1 - Nautical, Early Firearms, Decorative Arts, Ephemera, etc. - 400 Lots CLICK IMAGE BELOW TO VIEW ONLINE CATALOG JAN 26, 2025 - Session 2 - Country Americana & Primitives - 400 Lots CLICK IMAGE BELOW TO VIEW ONLINE CATALOG
Ammi Phillips Portrait of George W. Beckwith (1814-1881) Dutchess County NY Featuring the contents of the Asa and Jean Beckwith estate, Pleasant Valley NY, the estate of Jeff Raymond, Red Hook NY, and other partial estates gathered throughout the Hudson Valley and Connecticut. Highlights of the Beckwith estate includes an Ammi Phillips portrait of a Beckwith family member holding dog, an Arthur Powell local landscape, large stoneware collection including many of Poughkeepsie origin, a collection of mostly early Dutchess county firearms both flintlock and percussion including rifles and pistols, early hand forged lighting, a Dutchess County NY coin silver collection and a large grouping of Dutchess County postcards in album. Highlights of the Jeff Raymond estate includes his extensive nautical collection including whale carvings, 4 plaques signed Alecia Macy - subject to NY DEC licensingd, early hand forged iron whaling implements including harpoons, ship models, sailor tools, etc. Jeff was also an artist and the sale will include many of his fish and whale carvings that were part of his personal collection - note that he also sold his carvings in various shops in Nantucket where he often visited and his works are highly sought after today. Other American primitives will also be offered including hanging basket in original red paint, Taghkanic baskets, a small Queen Ann looking class in original finish, several good duck decoys, an outstanding sea captain’s box decorated with inlaid nautical motif, a rare hand written nautical book describing the stations and sailor and officer responsibilies on the frigite "U.S.F. Macedonia 1839" complete with nautical drawings and calligraphy entries (from the Thomas Rockwell collection), early military books from the Rockwell collection, various advertising articles, folk art including a large carved spread wing eagle wall plaque, several good weathervanes including a hand carved wooden flying duck vane in original paint, large amount of early lighting (hand forged iron lighting devices-tin lanterns-Sandwich glass fluid lamps-Argand lamps - etc), pair of rustic cast iron horse hitching posts in the form of tree stumps, various textiles including an early Adam & Eve pictorial sampler - quilts - coverlets, fine country artwork including portraits-landscapes-seascapes (some by listed American artists), pair of matching brace-back Windsor chairs in original black paint, various blanket boxes and work tables some in original paint, candle stands, good farm table with red painted base, Queen Ann game table, many early hand forged iron hearth tools including game bird roasters, fountain pen collection from a Poughkeepsie NY estate, large groups of ephemera including many Dutchess County collectibles, baseball scorebooks 1906, vintage movie lobby cards, vintage movie star photos, comic books, Revolutionary War canteen, pocket watches, fountain pen collections, architectural include matched pair of federal mantles and a pair of early Ionic fluted wooden columns, oriental rugs including a rare 19th century Persian Hunting scene carpet, etc. ******************************************************************************************************************************* Sunday Sept. 15, 2024 12:00 noon Primitives, Arts & Crafts, Fine Collectibles, Garden, Important Large Book Collection, Ephemera Previews: By Appt. week of sale and Sat. Sept. 14 from 1:00 to 4:00PM * Sun. 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon Online (Liveauctioneers.com) and In-house Bidding - Sale in 3 Sessions - Limited seating so call ahead to reserve seat. CLICK IMAGE BELOW TO VIEW ONLINE CATALOG A Watling Mfg. Co. Slot-Gum Machine
************************************************************************************ Oct. 4, 2024 * 9PM * Book Auction Remaining books from the Thomas Rockwell collection selling on Auctionninja platform as a timed auction. Click image below to go to online catalog for more details. ********************************************************************************** MAY 19, 2024 * 12 Noon Previews: Fri. May 17 1:00-5:00PM & Sat. May 18 1:00-5:00PM & Sun. 10:00 AM - 1:00PM COUNTRY AMERICANA, PRIMITIVES, FINE DECORATIVE ARTS, GARDEN, TOYS, EPHEMERA, PHOTOGRAPHY
Featuring the partial contents of several Hudson Valley,
Westchester & Connecticut country estates including the Country
Americana collection of Carole Ostergren Walkill NY and items handed
down from the Reverend James Johnson estate Easton CT . To include:
Stoneware -
Primitive & Mid Century Lighting – Folk Art – Cupboards - Blanket
Boxes - Work Tables – Farm Tables – Dry Sinks – 18th
c. Conn. corner chair – Mid-Century Modern tables & Chairs including
Knolls Chairs - Baskets
- Textiles
- Oriental rugs – Queen Ann Game Table
Hooked Rugs – Decoys including Ice Fishing – Iron & Copper Kitchen
Ware – Large Yellowware & Bennington Spongeware
– Good Country Artwork Including Portriats -
Portraits and Silhouettes -
Modern Art - Architectural -
Stained Glass Windows
Pantry Boxes & Treenware – Advertising Signs – Sterling Silver Tea
Service & other
Sterling – Vintage Silver Dollars (Morgan,
Peace, etc.) & other vintage coins – Confederate Money - Early
Firearms including Charleville Rev. War Flintlock – Several rifles &
shotgun - Two vintage revolvers (State & local firearms regulations
required for all firearms - see catalog for details) - Original Colt &
Winchester Advertising Posters – Gallery Targets including Mangels
Clown Face - Military including Civil War 34 Star Flag - Photography
including Civil War Soldiers –
Weathervanes – Early Saratoga Bottles – Several Folk Art Black Dolls –
Cased Ship Model – Two
Hobby Horses - Various Painted Boxes – Garden & Patio Furniture –
Music Boxes including French automaton Bird Cage and Small Sterling
Silver with mechanical pop up chirping bird – Many Santos and
Religious Paintings – Jewelry including 14K gold cigarette case – Toys
including early Steiff Teddy Bears, vintage dolls, Lionel Train sets,
etc. – Bronzes – Early Chinese
Export porcelains - Lots of country smalls sold in group lots - Etc. Click Image Below To View Online Catalog Sample of Items: ****************************************************************************** FEBRUARY 18, 2024 12:00 Noon Previews: Fri. & Sat. Feb. 16-17 from 1-4:00PM & Sun. 10:00AM to 4:00PM. Early previews by appt. week of sale: Call 845-471-5660. The Thomas Rockwell Collection Plus Others Click Image Below to View Online Catalog ******************************************************************** SUNDAY NOV. 5, 2023 12:00 NOON C OUNTRY AMERICANA & PRIMITIVES SALE Previews: Friday Nov. 3 1-4:30, Saturday 1:4:30, and Sunday 11:00 to 1:00pm Bid Live @www.liveauctioneers.com Click image below for online catalog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ July 23, 2023 12 Noon Decorative Arts, Country Primitives, Garden, Ephemera, Ancient Artifacts, Toys & Dolls, Etc. Selling the partial contents of estates in Dutchess and Ulster County NY and Connecticut. Click Image Below To View Online Catalog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ April 22, 2023 12:00 Noon Country Americana, Primitives, Ephemera, Decorative Arts 750 Lots.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DEC. 30, 2022 -- 12:00 Noon COUNTRY AMERICANA & PRIMITIVES SALE Click Image Below To View Online Catalog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sept 4, 2022 12:00 Noon Click Image Below To View Online Catalog For Sept 4 Sale
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E-Mail the Auctioneer:
Dom Navarra - djnavarra@aol.com Phone Number: (845)-471-5660 Visitor
Count Number: